Hi I’m Andrea

I’m a hoot and a holler and I wanna bring your party to the next level. I want to create parties & events that show your personality and not the trends of what’s in the magazines.

I want your guests to see your party as who YOU ARE. If you are obsessed with Star Trek, let’s do a Star Trek Themed Wedding! If you are having a birthday and love Dolly Parton- you bet your 9 to 5 sweet cheeks, we will have a good ol’ time.


if You wanna know how I became an Event Planner


Growing up, I liked to plan large, highly detailed and themed birthday parties. I was that ten-year-old who had to have everything planned to the nitty gritty (sorry Mom and Dad). I had to work out everything, from what people should wear to what games we would play! 

In high school, I organized fundraisers and dances every year. Once, I planned a Wizard of OZ prom and had teachers dress up as the characters. Imagine your history teacher in a full suit as the Cowardly Lion! 

Right before I went to college, my sister asked me to be her co-maid of honor. I was so thrilled to be given the opportunity to not only stand by her on her wedding day, but also plan her bridal shower! We had games that made people laugh, such as “pin the tooth on the groom”, a bartender with a signature drink, and the music was on point. My sister and the ladies all had a wonderful time. We still talk about it! 

I went to various colleges and at each one I joined the events-planning teams. During midterms, I put together stress-reliever events for students, sometimes with 500 students attending, as well as small game nights with twenty students. 

Once I graduated I got into social work. I loved helping people, but I MISSED planning events. So, I went ahead and asked my engaged friends, “Hey, can I plan your wedding?” All of them said “Uh, duh! Yes!” Now, I’m planning events and have never been happier!

Kind words